Sunday, October 21, 2007

My home’s networking.

This is what will I do in future for my home's networking, making the internet connection available at every corner of my home. When I do so, I will be able to surf the internet at the balcony, bedrooms, stairway, or even inside the toilet.

My home got 4 desktop computers, but 2 of it is super duper outdated. So now only 3 are in use. However, it is troublesome when the desktop computers of second floor want to surf the internet. With this, now everything is hassle-free! Laptop and mobile phone with build in Wi-Fi are now able to surf the internet as well.

The pros:

  • Every gadget with Wi-Fi build in is able to surf the internet easily.
  • Wireless connection everywhere around the house.
  • Everyone can use the external harddisk.

The cons:

  • A lot of electromagnetic radiation will be produced. This is very harmful to human body.
  • More electricity will be used due to more hardware are being used.
  • Hacker might hack my home’s network in order to surf the internet for free, or abuse the external harddisk.
Although the latest technology helped us a lot, but when thinking about the side effect of it, everything will harm our health after all. ;)

Saturday, October 13, 2007

A cat by See Min.

One day, I fallen asleep without signing out from MSN.
But then, my friend draw a cat which I put as my display picture in MSN.
Thanks a lot.

a d v e r t i s e m e n t